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发布时间:2023-09-01 02:59:25 来源:创阳机械网


PVS Technologies to build iron salts plant at PPG Natrium site

PPG to supply chlorine, other materials and services to new downstream facility

PITTSBUR男装夹克GH, May 10, 2010 – PPG Industries (NYSE:PPG) today announced that it has reached an agreement with PVS Technologies (PVS) regarding the construction of a PVS facility at PPG’s Natrium, ., chlor-alkali and derivatives plant, where PVS will manufacture iron salts. The new plant is expected to begin operation in late 2010. Financial terms were not disclosed.

As part of the agreement, PVS will construct and operate the new plant, with a capacity to produce 50,000 tons of iron salts annually, including ferric chloride. PPG will supply chlorine, other raw materials and services from its Natrium plant to PVS for the new facility.

“This is another example of PPG’s commitment to and investment in the Natrium facility and our chlor-alkali and derivatives customers,” said Michael H. McGarry, PPG senior vice president, Commodity Chemicals. “We have secured a long-term chlorine customer in our own backyard, and we are pleased to welcome PVS to our Natrium site. We look forward to a successful collaboration.”

Dennis Rutkowski, presiden而铝质前端部件在其生命周期初期(运输距离为3.5万千米以后)t of PVS Technologies, said, “Our new facility at Natrium will significantly expand PVS’s total production capacity, as well our geographic reach and ability to serve new and existing customers in the United States.”

Commenting on the announcement, West Virginia Governor Joe Manchin said, "We welcome this new investment to Marshall County. New investments on available sites at chemical facilities, such as this, really help secure existing jobs and lay the foundation to expand industries and create new jobs. I applaud this joint partnership between PPG and PVS, and I am confident that this collaboration will benefit this region and our state."

Located on the Ohio River near New Martinsville, ., PPG’s Natrium plant produces chlorine, muriatic acid, cal切割片cium hypochlorite, and liquid and dry caustic soda. These products are used in many applications such as purifying drinking water and manufacturing pharmaceuticals that help1、起首应思索需求测试资料拉力局限 to improve the quality of life. The plant employs about 525 people and has been in operation since 1943.

About PVS Technologies

PVS Technologies has been a premier manufacturer of high-quality iron salts, including ferric chloride, for nearly 25 years. Iron salts are used principally to trea毛巾架t drinking water and wastewater. PVS currently has prod排气门uction facilities in Detroit, Houston and Augusta, Ga., as well as a joint venture in Santa Fe Springs, Calif.

About PPG

PPG Industries’ vision is to continue to be the world’s leading coatings and specialty products company. Founded in 1883, the company serves customers in industrial, transportation, consumer products, and construction markets and aftermarkets. With headquarters in Pittsburgh, PPG operates in more than 60 countries around the globe. Sales in 2009 were为节俭金属和提高工艺性 $12.2 billion. PPG shares are traded on the New York Stock Exchange (symbol: PPG). For more information, visit .



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